Tartu Kunstimaja / Tartu Art House

Idee teha midagi kodu olemuse ja olulisusega kerkis pähe juba ligi kolm aastat tagasi, kui kodu tähenduslik pool muutus aja möödudes mitmeid kordi. Esialgu olime me kõik lukustatud oma kodudesse ja siis räägiti sellest, kui keeruline ja pingeline on olla kogu aeg nii-öelda nelja seina vahel. Nüüd on kodu hoopis soojemas ja olulisemas kontekstis, oleme tänulik selle üle, et meil on turaline koht hingerahuks, ilma, et peaksime sealt põgenema või hirmu tundma. Selliselt sai näituseidee alguse, kuid aja möödudes pöördus temaatika minu isikliku eluolu oleviku ja mineviku tähenduslikku vormi. Maalidel on kujutatud momente, mis kirjeldavad minu eluolu, isiklikke väärtusi ja mõjutusi minevikust ja olevikust. Nendes on üksteise peegelamist, varjupooli, õdusust ja mälestusi. Meie kõigi eksistentsi aluseks on elu ja selle ajas kulgemisega loodud olud. Me kujudame olusid sõltumata sellest, kas soovime seda või mitte. Kui otsustame ja valime, siis kujundame. Kui jätame otsustamata või valimata, kujundame samuti.


The idea to create something with the essence and significance of the home came to mind almost three years ago, when the meaningful side of its being changed several times as the time passed. At first we were all locked in our homes, we talked about how difficult and stressful it is to be stuck between four walls all the time. Now the home has more comforting and important context, we are grateful that we have a secure place of serenity, without having to escape from it or feel afraid. Thus the idea of ​​the exhibition was born, but as time went on the theme turned more towards the meaningful form of the past and present in my own life.
The focus of the exhibition is the essence of the home and its influences. Everything surrounding us affects us consciously and unconsciously. My paintings are old school because I grew up in a historical environment, in an old spiritual way, surrounded by old things and old school artists. They have shaped me and left a huge mark on my personality and style. These paintings depict moments that describe the nature of my life, personal values and the influences of past and present. In them there are reflections of each other, hidden sides, coziness and memories.

Fotod: Kaimar Tauri Tamm